QBasic Tutorial 15 - Arrays - QB64

An Array is a collection of elements (variables) of the same data type. When there are large lists of variables and data, it is easier to contain the data in an array than have large amounts of separate variables to hold the data. Think of an element as a placeholder for piece of data.

Array Syntax
DIM array_name(number_of_items) AS datatype

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QB64 is a free download at www.qb64.com

QB64 Wiki & Manual is found at qb64.com/wiki.html

QBasic 1.1 comes with OldDOS. A zip file of OldDOS can be found at www.pcxt-micro.com/download.html

QBasic 1.1 needs DOSBox to run on Windows Vista and greater, Mac, and Linux.
DosBox is a free download at www.dosbox.com

Free QB64/QBasic Code

QBasic.Net - www.qbasic.net

Pete's QBasic Site - www.petesqbsite.com/index.php

QB45 - qb45.org

Phatcode - games.phatcode.net