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Video tutorials on QBasic, QB64, Windows, Word, Excel, Lazarus, Free Pascal, C++, Visual Basic, programming, macOS, graphics, and more

Free Software

A list of nearly 100 free software titles and nonviolent games


A link to SchoolFreeware's free clipart on OpenClipart.org

Tech News

Some tech news feeds featuring today's tech articles


Everything on this site is at no charge. A few $ would help SchoolFreeware


SchoolFreeware's Software

YouTube Channel

There are 100s of videos on the SchoolFreeware YouTube Channel


Articles & miscellaneous stuff

Contact Us

A place to send us a message


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SchoolFreeware is a small group of people dedicated to creating "freeware". We focus on creating programs and tutorials that may be valuable tools for teachers, parents and children. We frequently update our site. Please check our site regularly.
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Your SchoolFreeware Team

SchoolFreeware does not have charity status (501c3). SchoolFreeware is a few people trying to help out. We would like to continue to build this site, software, and tutorials. We need some financial support to pay for the upkeep of our products and site. We would like to be able to build SchoolFreeware full time instead of building it in our free time. If you would like to contribute to SchoolFreeware, please use the contribute link.

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School Freeware