Visual Studio Express 2012 for Web Tutorial List

Tutorial 1 - Download and First Program
The first tutorial shows the IDE and makes a “Hello Internet” web app.

Tutorial 2 - Fixing the HTTP 403.14 Forbidden Error
When making web apps, the HTTP 403.14 Forbidden Error may come up. This is because something that is not capable of being a start page is active in the Solution Explorer.

Tutorial 3 - Web Form Setup
The next set of tutorials will work with some math calculations. This tutorial will make make the form for the application.

Tutorial 4 - Variables Data Types and Conversions
This tutorial takes the form from Tutorial 3 and performs calculations with a few variables. Several techniques are shown.

Tutorial 5 - Preventing Crashes With Try Catch
When a non-number character is entered into a variable that is expecting a number the application crashes. By using Try Catch, the application crash can be avoided.

Tutorial 6 - RadioButtonList and If Statements
We can use a RadioButtonList to help make choices on what calculation we want the app to make.

Tutorial 7 - Palindrome Web App
A palindrome is a string, word or number that is the same forwards and reverse. This tutorial will make a web app that will check to see if the text entered is the same forwards and reverse.