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QB64PE Screenshot

QB64 Phoenix Edition (Newer Version)

Windows, Mac, Linux

QB64PE is the newer version of QB64. QB64PE is an updated clone of QuickBasic 4.5. QB64PE is a simple to learn computer language.

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QB64 Screenshot

QB64 (Older Version)
Windows, Mac, Linux

QB64 is an updated clone of QuickBasic 4.5. QB64 is a simple to learn computer language.

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Qbasic Screenshot

QBasic 1.1 (OldDOS.exe)

A zip file of OldDOS can be found at

DOS, Windows 95 - XP (Windows Vista+, Mac, Linux with DOSBox)

QBasic is a simple to use and learn computer language.
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Quick Clock Quizzer

The Quick Clock Quizzer is a simple quiz application that quizzes children on reading an analog clock.

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