Notepad++ Free Download

Name: Notepad++

Platform: Windows

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Notepad++ is a free editor for Windows. Notepad++ edits text and source code.
Notepad++ naively supports over 50 computer languages and a long list of user defined languages.

Built-In Languages Supported:
ActionScript, ADA, ASP, Assembly, autoIt, bash, Batch, C, C++, C#, Caml, CMakeFile, Cobol, Coffee script, CSS, D, DIFF, Flash ActionScript, Fortran, Gui4CLI, Haskell, HTML, ini file, InnoSetup, Java, Javascript, JSP, KiXtart, LISP, Lua, Makefile, Matlab, NSIS, Objective-C, Pascal, Perl, php, PowerShell, Postscript, Properties file, Python, R, RC, Ruby, Scheme, Shell, Smalltalk, SQL, TCL, TeX, VB / VBS, Verilog, VHDL, and XML.

The User Defined Language Files can be installed in Notepad++.

User Defined Language Files Supported:
3GL, 68k Assembly, ABAP, Abaqus, ACL (Audit Command Language), Asterisk Extension Language (AEL), Alloy, AMP Script, ANSYS, Apache conf, Apache conf (ZenBurn theme), Arbortext Command Language, arc86, ArcInfo, AML, Aria templates, asciidoc (web page), ASM for ARM GNU, ASM for Atmel AVR, ASM for AVR 2, ASM for Intel 8051, ASM for MIPS R2000, ASM for MIPS64, ASM for PDP-11, ASM for PIC16F628A, Asterisk Config, AutoHotKey, AutoIt,AutoLISP for AutoCAD, AVISynth, AWK, BADEL, bibTeX, Bind and Zone, C/AL, Cadence SKILL, Cesil, Cheat Engine Auto-Assembler, Chilli, CIL for .NET, Cisco ACL, Cisco ASA, Cisco COS, Cisco IOS, Clojure, CMTS, Cobol (v2), Cobol auto-completion file, CoffeeScript, Coldfusion, Config (.cfg and .ini files), Consize, Csound, CUDA, Cue-sheet, Cypher query language, Datcom, DCL, DCPu-16, Delphi Forms, Desktop launcher, DikC, DML / Gembase, Dot, JBoss Drools Rules, DriveMaster, Drupal v6 & 7, EASI, Easytrieve Plus, EisenScript, Elf, Enterprise Generation Language, ERDAS MDL, Erlang, Essbase Suite, ESL, ESRIT, Excel formulas, F#, Fanuc, FEKO, FHEM, FontForge Font project, FontForge Script language, FormCalc, Formules Notes, FileMaker Pro calculation, Formula for Lotus Notes, Free Form Fortran, FreeMarker, G-Code 3D Print, G-Code (most CNC machines), G-Code (Okuma lathes), GameMonkey, GEDCOM, GEDCOM55, Generic Pseudocode, Gherkin, GIFT format, GISDK, GLSL 3.3, Gnuplot, Google Go, Google Protocol Buffers, GraphViz, Gregorio, Groovy, HLSL, HL7, HQL for Notepad++, HSpice, Htaccess, iCalendar, IceBreak RPG, Icon, Informix 4GL, Interactive Data Language (.dat files), Interactive Data Language (.pro files), Interface Definition Language, iMacros, Interlis, JavaScript, jBase Basic, JCL, jQuery, WSH Panel Mod, Juniper JunOS, kiXtart, Lammps (definition and API), LDIF, LESS.js, LilyPond, Log4Net, LOLCODE, Lotus Script, Loyc Expression Syntax, LS-DYNA, LSL (Linden Scripting Language) plus OSSL, AA, BOT for Aurora-Sim & OpenSim, Lua (autocompletion file), ManiaScript, MagnetiK, Markdown, GNU MathProg, Mathematica, MediaWiki markup (Obsidian theme), Mediawiki, MediaWiki markup, MEL for Autodesk Maya, Mercury, Metastock, Mikrotik rules (5.x-6.x), mIRC, Modelica, MortScript, MotoMan, MotoMan Ladder, MotoMan, MQL4, mShell, MSL, MUGEN, Mustache templates, Mumps, MyDefrag, Nagios config, Nastran, Neo Sign Of Misery, nesC, Netcool Rules, IBM Net.Data, NetInstall, NetLogo, Nginx configuration, NM-TRAN (def and API), Nuke, OBMM Sxript, Occam2, Octave / Matlab API file, Ogre3D Overlay Script, OpenCL 1.0, Oracle Web Content /Stellent, Oracle Workflow, PARI/GP, Skyrim Papyrus language, Paradox, Parallax PBASIC, Patran, PennMUSH MushCode / SoftCode, PEP8 simulator, Picoblaze, PIG, PL-SQL, PL/M-86, Structured text for PLC, Polycom, Polyhedra CL, Portable Object Language, PowerBuilder, Powershell, Powerpro, Praat, Practical Programming Language (PPL), Progress4GL, Oracle PRO*C, Prolog (GNU), Prolog (SWI), Qik, QLingo, QML for Qt, Qt Project, R2RML, RAPID, Rebol, REXX, RPM, RenderMan Shading Language & RIB,RenderMan Shading Language v2,RTF Rich Text Format, reStructuredText, Rules Language, S,Samcef, Sap ABAP, SAP NetWeaver IdM language, SAP Web Intelligence Formula Editor, SAS,SAS with pseudocode, SCSS, Schlumberger Eclipse, SciLab, ShaeLab, Siebel eScript, Siemens SCL (definition and autocompletion), SketchUp, SLAX, Solution (.sln) files for Visual Studio, SmallWorld Magik, Smarty, Snort, SPARQL 1.1, SPlunk, SQR, Spice, STAPL, STATA, STOL, StringTemplate3, SubRip, Substation Alpha format, Susan, System Verilog 1, T-SQL (MS Server 2008R2), TACL, Tandem TAL (Transaction Application Language), Template Toolkit, Teradata Macro Language (Term), Teradata Tools v13, TexCnc, Thrift,Tiny Fugue, Todo.txt, TradeStation Easy Language, TSL, Turtle RDF, Twelf, Twig, TypoScript, Unity 3D JSScript, Universe, UnrealScript, vCard, Velocity, VectorScript, VENOM, vislcg3, Visual DataFlex, Visual FoxPro, Visual Studio csproj vbproj vstemplate files, Vienna Development Method (VDM), HP VirtualConnect Script, Visual3D protocols, VRML, Wavefront OBJ, WebFOCUS, Wiki VKontakte, WinBatch, WinDev, WLanguage, WLanguage, WDScript, X2X, X3D, XMOS, xCORE, and XC. There maybe more.

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