wxMaxima Free Download

Name: wxMaxima

Platform: Windows, Mac, Linux

Download Link: andrejv.github.io/wxmaxima

Manuals: andrejv.github.io/wxmaxima/help.html

wxMazima is an interface for Maxima. Maxima is a free computer algebra system. Maxima comes with wxMaxima. wxMaxima makes installation of Maxima easy.

wxMaxima makes Maxima easier to use. wxMazima's interface provides menus, dialogs and shortcuts of common commands. The interface also provides auto-completion, plots, graphs and animations.

Maxima is a free computer algebra system. Maxima does differentiation, integration, ordinary differential equations, systems of linear equations, polynomials, sets, lists, vectors, matrices, Taylor series and tensors. Maxima is a descendant of Macsyma. Maxima is similar to Matlab, Mathmatica and Maple.

wxMaxima Screenshot

wxMaxima Screenshot

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